though it was still a mostly unconscious thought at the moment, Tani was in the process of making a life-changing decision.

Tani went to his vanity and poked out a birth control pill from its pink plastic package and took it. He counted the remaining pills and saw that he was mid-cycle, 14 days-the most fertile time of the month for females. Monthly, he took 28 consecutive pink pills and then 5 white ones his period, a rest from the estrogen and progesterone. He had found he was tired and listless during those days and was glad he was mid cycle; when his female hormone levels were the highest.

As Tani finished furnishing his small red clutch purse with some makeup essentials, the front doorbell rang. He knew that he was "too good" for this to be a "joke". Taking a deep breath to calm his jittery nerves Tani took his purse and went downstairs with apprehension to meet his date. He knew this was far more than a date. His heart pounded as he ascended closer to the encounter.


The look on Jeff's face when Tani opened the door was worth the price of admission! I think "blown away" would best describe it. He could barely speak!

"T. . .T. . .Tani?" he finally managed.

"You were expecting someone else?" Tani replied in a feminine sounding voice. He posed and said, "This is the best I could do. OKAY?"

"Yeah! You look fantastic!!"

"Well thank you for the compliment," Tani replied as his cheeks showed a little redness from his blush at the obviously enthusiastic sincerity of Jeff's response.

Jeff all but fell over himself in helping Tani into the car. He went on and on about how beautiful Tani looked.

"I can't get over it. Is that your own hair?! It looks great!" "Of course it's my own hair, whose hair would it be?" Tani replied with a quizzical smile.

"I thought maybe it was a wig or something...it looks so professionally done."

"Well it's my own hair, and it was professionally done. I've spent the whole afternoon at the beauty parlor silly," Tani said as he enjoyed letting the piece about the beauty parlor


"Wow, really? You're really something. I've never been out with a real woman as beautiful as you!" Jeff gushed on.


"Well I'm glad you appreciate the efforts," Tani replied with a shy smile.

The restaurant was very elegant and as would be expected Tani's entrance caught the immediate attention of every males' eye. In moments Jeff's dad's friend spotted Jeff, and his date.

He was over at their table in a flash. As Jeff predicted, the lecherous old man wouldn't take his eyes off Tani even as he spoke to Jeff. Tani could feel the man's staring_eyes scanning every inch of his body. Tani thought, "What's Jeff's plan now?"

Rather than pulling some trick on the old man, Jeff was getting visibly angry at the fellows persistent ogling of his date. Even though his date was his male friend! Jeff felt the same angry emotion any guy would when some other male is suggestively staring at his girl. Eventually the old guy had his fill for the time being and headed off for another table. "What an asshole!" Jeff said almost too loudly.

"What were you planning to do. . .I mean to play a trick on him?" Tani asked.

"Well...uh...I don't know. You look too good. I don't think that anyone would believe that you're a guy. Why don't we just forget the joke and just have a good time. . .okay?" Jeff whispered somewhat shyly.

Tani smiled, he had actually felt uncomfortable about divulging his true sex for a joke. Now he could just spend some fine time as a beautiful woman on a dinner date.

"I think that's an excellent idea," Tani purred in a suggestively sexy voice. "I can just be a girl for the rest of the evening." The tone of Tani's voice brought out a smile and a blush to Jeff's cheeks.

The rest of dinner went perfectly. Jeff was an attentive gentleman and Tani played along as his beautiful feminine girlfriend. Jeff said, "I hope you don't mind but I'm getting into this I feel like I'm with a real exciting girl. I hope it doesn't offend you?"

"NO," Tani said breathlessly, "I sort of like it. Being out with you makes me feel like a girl."

After dinner, Jeff suggested a nightclub. There was hesitation in Jeff's voice when he asked Tani to fast dance...then that lead into a slow dance. It all felt so natural. There they danced away until the late hours.